Instant-Dating Tips

Instant-Dating Tips Look them squarely in the eye, pay attention to what they’re saying and make them feel like the most irissistible person alive Finding out more about your Instant date: What makes you happy/sad/angry? Where are you from originally? Are you more of a city or country person? How would your best friend describe you? What is your dream job? What colour best describes your personality? What are you most passionate about? What do you consider your best attributes? If you have friends coming for supper what would you cook? What's your favourite wine? What are the most important things you're looking for in a person? Pepper the exchange with light-hearted questions. Don’t stick to a script. You’re not on a fact finding mission here. You can find out all the facts in the world later, if there’s chemistry, there is a good chance of an instant date. CLICK THE IMAGE FOR AN INSTANT SOLUTION Also See Bebarbo Channel for ...